About Section

Undergraduate Education

In alignment with the University goals, the Office of Undergraduate Education promotes the academic success of undergraduate students across all OSU colleges and campuses.

Across campus, we are ushering in innovations that have come about for many reasons, not the least of which is a response to the rapidly changing demographic which represents our current and future student body. Research has shown that the best predictor of continuing student academic success is engagement, and this means an involvement beyond the classroom, in active and collaborative learning, co-curricular involvement, and enriching educational experiences.

Our students are coming to us better prepared technologically, more aware of global issues and different cultures, interested in not only the absorption of knowledge, but also the creation of knowledge, and with a genuine desire to help others. If we want to keep students engaged, we have to not only provide the kind of educational experience that will prepare them for a life in their careers, but we need to respond to this increased awareness and preparation and reflect that in the way we engage with them.

The Office of Undergraduate Education strives to provide an enriching academic experience for all undergraduate students, which contributes to the recognition of The Ohio State University as one of the preeminent institutions of higher education in the country. We work collaboratively to support educational experiences that are meaningful, rigorous, challenging, and engaging, while maintaining a respect for the diversity, individuality, and cultural identity of all students.

Undergraduate Education Committees

The SEI Oversight Committee is an appointed subcommittee of the Council on Academic Affairs (CAA) of the University Senate and convened by the Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education. It is established to oversee policies and procedures related to the Student Evaluation of Instruction. Membership includes representatives from the Office of the Registrar, faculty, students (USG, CGS and IPC) and the Office of Undergraduate Education. Duties and responsibilities include tthe administration of SEI, the development of enhancements such as online SEI and mobile app, evaluation of SEI content, and providing recommendations on policy changes, on how SEIs should be used, on the role of SEI in promotion and tenure and faculty evaluation, on the role of SEI in online courses. The committee also provides advocacy around SEIs, including a concerted communication strategy around the importance of students weighing in on courses and the value of SEIs.

The Committee on Academic Misconduct is charged with maintaining the academic integrity of The Ohio State University by establishing procedures for and investigating all reported cases of alleged academic misconduct by students.The Office of Undergraduate Education will hear, on behalf of the Provost, all undergraduate appeals to rulings of the Committee on Academic Misconduct. The decision of this office is final.